Sunday, March 1, 2009

Herbs From The Bible - The Healing Power

Herbs From The Bible has the power to heal, repair and regnerate the body.
I am a living testament of what they do. Synthetic drugs is not what God designed for our bodies. Natural herbs, minerals and essential oils are the keys to life!

God knew we would encounter illnesses and bad eating habits. which is the key to decreased health. Did you know the older we get the better our bodies should be? Think about how long people lived in biblical times compared to today. Now, this is the key to increased health.

We all can learn from the examples of living from the Bible. To turn from what we are doing wrong today and reconnect to a better lifestyle of eating and living. We must eat to live!

Many herbs, vegetables, and perennials are mentioned in the bible. My health blog will help you to study a few of them in detail. The word says study to show ourselves approved.

For the lack of knowledge people perish. We can't do better if we don't know better.

Take this information and have dialogue with others. Look up information to see where they are found in the bible. The connection to healing has not been the focus and has literally been overlooked. I believe this to be because many are looking for answers to their current challenges. Not understanding that our health and food can be contributing factors to life obstacles, decisions we make and the lack of wisdom to make right decisions.

A good diet can help to eliminate stresses and pressures of life which aides to better wisdom, judgement and focus.

Herbs, are God’s medicine and is God’s gift to man on planet Earth for his health, and wellness.
People who lived in Jesus's time were wonderful herbalists! They used the herbs not only for food, but to flavor food and also for medicinal purposes. They did not visit the doctor around the corner at the hospital. Read HEBREWS 6:7

We know that biblical people set aside plots specifically for herbs: read 1 KINGS 21:2
When the children of Israel wandered into the desert and received manna from heaven it was described as what? Read NUMBERS 11:7-9

Hyssop was often referred to as the herb used in purification: read PSALMS 51:7
It was also used to prevent blood from coagulating which may explain why the Jews in Egypt were told to use it at the time of the Passover: read EXODUS 12:22

The medicinal use of Hyssop can be found in read JOHN 19:29-30
Solomon must have been a very wise for in proof of his wisdom this passage can be found: read 1 KINGS 4:33

The biblical hyssop -the plant which is called hyssopus officinalis- is native to southern Europe but not to the Holy Land or to Egypt- therefore the hyssop that we grow is not the one from the bible. That one could have been -according to bible authorities- marjoram, the caper plant, sorghum, the maidenhair spleenwort or the wallrue.

Mint was well known as being used for flavoring food as it still is today. Some bible experts say mint was among the "bitter herbs" mentioned in Exodus 12:8 and Numbers 9:11 along with leaves of endive, chicory, lettuce, watercress, sorrel, and dandelions. All of these eaten as a salad. Mint was eaten after eating as a form of digestive aiding.

Parsley although not mentioned in the bible was abundant and was used at the passover as a symbol of a new beginning because it was one of the first herbs to pop up in the spring. The Romans served it at banquets as a breath freshener. Another passage reflecting the bitter herbs is EXODUS 12:8 and also NUMBERS 9:11.

I look forward to sharing with you and hearing from you to share your testamonies.

This information is saving lives. Be your Brother's Keeper! Share this information with those you love. Share this with "God's GateKeepers". It will empower and save lives for generations to come!